Saturday, 31 January 2009

44 - The Rats in the walls, Part 1

Today we continue the reading of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, part 12 in fact.

Then we have a musical number from Whispering Jack Smith,

The main feature in todays shows is the first part of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft called "The Rats in the walls". Howard wrote the story in 1923 but it wasn't published until 1924, when it appeared in Weird Tales. Apparently the first gem of inspiration was provided by a night time crack that appeared in the wallpaper. - From such little things, such great things can appear!

The new opening music is provided by Víctor Valdez, from the Symbol project. It's part of a great collection that you can download for free. Victor also has a web site that I suggest you check out.

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Saturday, 24 January 2009

43 - The Mask

In todays episode of the Cthulhu show I start off by continuing to read from "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt.

Then I play a piece of popular music from 1928.

And to round off this 1 hour show we have the main feature. Peter Yearsley reads a short story from Roberts W Chambers book "The King in Yellow", this story is called "The Mask".

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Saturday, 17 January 2009

42 - The Beast with 5 Fingers

In todays episode we go through the usual three main segments Firstly I continue reading from Teddy Roosevelts "Through the Brazillian Wilderness.

Then I play a track that is very "Lovecraft". It's a modern piece called "Idiot Lust" that appears on the "Cthulu Dildonomicon"(sic) album. The music is creepy and cool.

The main feature today is a classic stry called "The Beast with Five fingers" by William F. Harvey. It is excellently read for us by the very professional Mark Nelson.

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Saturday, 10 January 2009

41 - The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath , Part 14

Todays episode puts us back on track with the usual style and format.

I start the show with part 9 of "Through the Brazillion Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt. Today we hear a story about man-eating big cats.

Then is a musical number from 1928 by Abe Lymans California Ambassador Hotel Orchestra called "A Jazz Holiday".

The show ends with the dramatic final part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dream Quest of Unkown Kadath" read for us by Maureen O'Brien.

Remember folks, I'm always looking for peoples contributions. Stories, poems, articles. There's no money in it, it's done for fun, and would generally be released under an Attrib' Non-Com No-Deriv license. The show will claim no rights on your work.

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Saturday, 3 January 2009

40 - Hoard of Gebbelins

In this episode of the Cthulhu podcast your host takes a bit of a break due to illness ( a cold that just wont go ). So rather than any reading by myself I've broken the format and included little bits from different places.

The first segment is a piece of ambient style music from a group called "the Unnameable", the album is called "Graves are not hard to digg and acids loth to burn"(sic), the track is called "Teeth & Claws Sharpened on Centuries of Corpses".

This is followed by a short story written by Lord Dunsany called "Horde of Gebbelins" and is read by Mark Smith.

Then is an H.P. Lovecraft poem called "The Book, Pursuit, the Key" which is read and put to a musical accompanyment by Colin Timothy Gagnon.

The show winds up with another shorter track from the Unnameable, this one nicely called "If I am mad, it is a mercy".

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