Saturday 6 September 2008

25 - The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath Part 2.

Continuing the weekly run of shows we continue in the usual format.

The history segment is a reading of an article about the 1926 radio comedy that put the fear of revolution into the British high society. Read the original article here at a "War of the Worlds" fan site.

The music is a 1926 track from "The Harmonians" and is called "Where did you get those eyes".

The feature is a continuation of H.P. Lovecraft's long story "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath". Today is the second part of the story.

Download the show


JonHook said...


I recently discovered your podcast as I've returned to the eldrich world of Cthulhu through Yog Radio and the Call of Cthulhu rpg.

I am really enjoying your show and the interesting things you present. I would love to hear even more news bites to get an even better understanding of what life was like back then.

I have a story I wrote that I will be sending to you soon for you evaluation.


Allicorn said...

Really enjoying the Dreamquest readings! I think HPL's Dreamlands stories are often underrated and Dreamquest is the best of the bunch.

Old Man Parker said...

Fantastic! Wonderous! This pod cast is so good, it's like a Like a DREAM come true!!! Good Kitty, good kitty!!

Old Man Parker said...

Yep, that's some good darned podcasting!

Felbrigg said...

Woah, praise overload! Thankyou chaps!