Saturday 13 September 2008

26 - The Dream Quest of Unkown Kadath Part 3

So... Todays main feature is part three of "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" by H.P. Lovecraft.

The music is K.C.Blues by Frank Hutchinson, a 1929 track. The history segment tells of the Palm Sunday twisters of 1920.

Download the show.

Dont forget to drop by the forums!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for doing one of my favorite Lovecraft tales - The Dream Quest for Unknown Kadath, and also for reminding me of the Tornadoes of 1920 - my great grandmother, born in 1900, told me of walking through Downtown St. Louis, Missouri as a young woman in the aftermath of that wave of destruction and seeing houses and shops ripped in half, so that as she walked down the street with my six year old grandmother, she saw half-rooms with the furniture and curtains still intact rising above the street.
One of my own early memories is of standing between my father's legs in the open back door of our Northern Missouri farmhouse, watching a tornado roar across the far horizon like a runaway train against the pale green sky. It was close enough to be visible, but far enough away to be relatively harmless (to us, at least).
Tornadoes are a fact of life in my part of the world, where there were once prehistoric seas. I often wonder if tornadoes, and our tendency to have a lot of them in "Tornado Alley", aren't the "ghosts" of hurricaines from those long vanished oceans, unrecognized because of their lack of standing waves.
One wonders what Lovecraft would have done with tornadoes had he been a Midwesterner rather than an East Coaster...
Chris Durrill/Jefferson City, Missouri

Felbrigg said...

Ghost of a Tornado... I like that, there must be a story in there.

Anonymous said...

I love the show! The history is sometimes the most fun part of the show! Keep up the good work!