Saturday, 26 December 2009

Weeks later...still no podcast

So here I sit on Boxing day, even more ill than when I last posted! I was just starting to get over the last cough when I came down with another. Well, I assume it's another as I started to get better then got worse again.

As you will understand I am totally fed up with coughing, even after two or three weeks of coughing your rib cage muscles dont get used to it, they just keep aching.

Anyway, apologies for the delay, but it is out of my hands ( it's in my throat and lungs apparently! )

Friday, 11 December 2009

Loss of Internet Connection

My home lost interconnection last night. No telling when it will be restored so there may not be the scheduled episode on Sunday. I will be able to record it, but it may be late in being delivered to you ears. Apologies folks, but it's out of my hands. :(

Edit : Well the connection came back, but the slightly sore throat I had earlier today has turned into a full on cold, so no recording this weekend. Sorry.