So here I sit on Boxing day, even more ill than when I last posted! I was just starting to get over the last cough when I came down with another. Well, I assume it's another as I started to get better then got worse again.
As you will understand I am totally fed up with coughing, even after two or three weeks of coughing your rib cage muscles dont get used to it, they just keep aching.
Anyway, apologies for the delay, but it is out of my hands ( it's in my throat and lungs apparently! )
This show is inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu Mythos. You will hear readings of his works, and horror or ghost stories by other authors. The Lovecraft "period" is primarily the 1920's and you will also hear history and music from that period. The aim is to provide anything appropriate to that time frame. However anything "Lovecraft" like or spooky is likely to appear on this show. You are invited to contribute your stories!
sorry to hear your still so sick! my wife is stuck with the same crud. hope your holiday was okay otherwise.
I hope you feel better soon. Its no fun having that mess. I had it for 3 weeks this Fall. One of the Great old ones must not like your podcast spreading the word, so maybe it put a whammy on you. You're not growing tentacles are you?
Happy New Year! Hope 2010 finds you in better spirits and brings us plenty of Cthulhu podcasts!
Wishing you a very speedy recovery and a very happy new year (and decade!).
Sincerely hope you feel better soon.
Get well soon!
Looking forward to your return. Love the podcast!
Hope you're beating the cough! Looking forward to the next podcast.
Ah, so now I know why no new podcasts...which should, of course, be the height of your concerns. That lingering cough has been making the rounds. Just make sure it hasn't turned into an infection. If your mucus turns a color that cannot be described--go to the doctor!
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