Sunday 18 July 2010

Name that story...

Here's a little fun for you, can you guess the story this little trailer I've made is teasing?

Download the teaser



FFOP Radio said...

It took about 2 seconds, At The Mountains of Madness, you'll have to do better then that to pull the wool over my eyes!

TD666 said...

At the Mountains of Madness Duh

D.S. Carmon said...

Can't wait to hear the whole thing!

Mouldy Squid said...

Nicely done. It was, of course, "At the Mountains of Madness". I especially liked how you paused at the end of each sentence for clarity, and the enunciation. It really did sound like you were using a 1930s era wireless set.

Felbrigg said...

Thanks folks, glad you liked it, and glad you recognised it too, it was a fun little fingy to do.

James said...

Did you all hear there is a movie coming out? It looks like a blockbuster, too: