Saturday 13 November 2010

89 - At the Mountains of Madness, part 7

It's the usual pairing in this episode of the next part ( part 50 ) of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" anf then followed by the next part of out ongoing Lovecraft epic "At the Mountains of Madness".

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Anonymous said...

Great show as always. I had never read this particular story. Keep up the good work. I was trying to download the old episodes that don't show up in Itunes, but when I got to episode 17 (going backwards from the current episode) I get an error message. Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't already. Hope they are available soon. Thanks again! Now to go pickup the Fu Manchu ebook.

Felbrigg said...

I think you can get the older ones here...

Anonymous said...

It just gives an error message:

"This item might not exist or is no longer available
This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to view it. Contact the owner of this item for more information."

Thank you for trying though. :)

Anonymous said...

The reason I was looking was that I recently had a computer failure and had authorized the new computer on my itunes acct. I had been in the process of loading archive stuff on the new computer and found I was missing some episodes. Today I found the Archive disc I had those episodes on.(1-17) If you need them I can send them to you.I started thinking back and remembered that these were from the old host a long time ago. That got me thinking about just how long the show has been on. I really enjoy it. Thanks for all the hard work that goes into producing the podcast.

Bernard Yin said...

The Mountains of Madness part 7 is stellar. I have been traveling through Europe and when I see the remnants of some castle on a hilltop I can't help but think of this story. To make it all weirder, I saw some great Cthulhu inspired(?) wall art in Palermo Sicily that had me smiling. I just posted it.