Saturday 3 January 2009

40 - Hoard of Gebbelins

In this episode of the Cthulhu podcast your host takes a bit of a break due to illness ( a cold that just wont go ). So rather than any reading by myself I've broken the format and included little bits from different places.

The first segment is a piece of ambient style music from a group called "the Unnameable", the album is called "Graves are not hard to digg and acids loth to burn"(sic), the track is called "Teeth & Claws Sharpened on Centuries of Corpses".

This is followed by a short story written by Lord Dunsany called "Horde of Gebbelins" and is read by Mark Smith.

Then is an H.P. Lovecraft poem called "The Book, Pursuit, the Key" which is read and put to a musical accompanyment by Colin Timothy Gagnon.

The show winds up with another shorter track from the Unnameable, this one nicely called "If I am mad, it is a mercy".

Download the show



Anonymous said...

I loved this show. I really like the "Unnameable". I am have a heard time finding them. Do you have a link? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I loved this show. I really like the "Unnameable". I am have a heard time finding them. Do you have a link? Thank you!

Unknown said...

You get the EP from the following link.

Unknown said...

"The Book", "Pursuit" and "The Key" are the first three stanzas (ie. verses) from a larger poetical work by Lovecraft called "Fungi from Yuggoth", for those who are interested. Fabulous reading!