Saturday 26 December 2009

Weeks later...still no podcast

So here I sit on Boxing day, even more ill than when I last posted! I was just starting to get over the last cough when I came down with another. Well, I assume it's another as I started to get better then got worse again.

As you will understand I am totally fed up with coughing, even after two or three weeks of coughing your rib cage muscles dont get used to it, they just keep aching.

Anyway, apologies for the delay, but it is out of my hands ( it's in my throat and lungs apparently! )

Friday 11 December 2009

Loss of Internet Connection

My home lost interconnection last night. No telling when it will be restored so there may not be the scheduled episode on Sunday. I will be able to record it, but it may be late in being delivered to you ears. Apologies folks, but it's out of my hands. :(

Edit : Well the connection came back, but the slightly sore throat I had earlier today has turned into a full on cold, so no recording this weekend. Sorry.

Sunday 29 November 2009

69 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, part 8

This week I continue to run our two series.

The feature story is the next part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward", this is part 8

We also include the next part of "Through the Brazilion Wilderness".

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Sunday 15 November 2009

68 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, part 7

This week I continue to run our two series.

The feature story is the next part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward", this is part 7

We also include the next part of "Through the Brazilion Wilderness".

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Sunday 1 November 2009

67 - The Thing is the Chasm

In todays episode we hear part 32 of "Througfh the Brazillian Wilderness", which is followed by a 1928 track called "Parkway Stomp".

Then it's onto the main feature which is a story written and submitted to the podcast by David Lindblad, it's called "The Thing in the Chasm". It's a very Lovecraft story and I think you'll enjoy it.

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Sunday 18 October 2009

66 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, part 6

This week I continue to run our two series.

First up in part 30 of Teddy Roosevelts book "Through the Brazillion Wilderness".
Then we have a piece of music from 1925, and then it's on to the main feature.

The feature story is the next part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".



Friday 25 September 2009

Off air for two weeks

Hi Folks,

I'm not going to be able to put out podcasts for the next two weeks. I will get everything back on schedule straight after this two week break. So please stay subscribed, I will be back!

And now the same message in audio

Sunday 20 September 2009

65 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, part 5

This week we continue you run of our two series.

First up in part 30 of Teddy Roosevelts book "Through the Brazillion Wilderness". Then we have a piece of music from 1925, and then it's on to the main feature. It's the next part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

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Sunday 6 September 2009

64 - The Case of Charles dexter Ward, part 4

In this week episode we continue the story of Charles Dexter Ward.

Of course we also have a piece of music from the 1920's and part 29 of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt.

I'd like to remind you that I have a book on the LuLu web publishing site that contains an annotated version of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness". The notes that appear throughout and the additional appendix are designed for those indulging in Horror Role Playing games. In these notes, I make suggestions and give hints on how to turn the River of Doubt exploration into a campaign for your Role Playing group. You can download it as a PDF or as a Print on Demand book.

The podcast I mentioned in the show is 19 Nocturne Boulevard

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Monday 24 August 2009

63 - Three Drink Memory

This week we take a break from Mr Lovecraft and instead indulge in a great piece of Lovecraftian Mythos muckin' about!

The featured story today is called "Three Drink Memory" written by Dafydd Nicklin-Dunbar. It a fun little story that mixes and matches a detective story with well known elements of the mythos and comes up with a story that'll be fun for all Lovecraft fans.

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The Drabblecast which recently ran a Lovecraft special.

The Lovecraft Literay podcast, worth a listen.

The final music I featured today was a track called "The Rise" by Irokez which you can legally download from here.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Apologies for delay

Sorry for the delay folkes, but the podcast host seems to have gone totally nuts, when I try uploading I end up just going in circles. I'll keep trying to get this show out.

Sunday 9 August 2009

62 - The Case of Charles dexter Ward, Part 3

The episode starts off with part 27 of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, then has a short musical interlude.

Then it's on to the main feature which is the third part of a longer H.P. Lovecraft story "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

There are a lot of location references in this story, they may have been accurate rather than fictional as Mr Lovecraft actually lived in the town where it is set.

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Sunday 26 July 2009

61 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward,Part 2

The episode starts off with part 26 of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, then a short musical interlude with a 1924 track by Billy Murray.

Today's show also includes the second track from Colin Timothy Gagnon's Fungi from Yuggoth album

Then it's on to the main feature which is the second part of a longer H.P. Lovecraft story "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

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Friday 24 July 2009

Shoggoth story on StarShipSofa podcast

Well the header says it all really, get over to the StarShipSofa podcast and check out episode 90. The main feature of the show is a story by Elizabeth Bear called "Shoggoths in Bloom" that has it's basis in the 1940s and in the mythos.

Sunday 12 July 2009

60 - The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, Part 1

The episode starts off with part 25 of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, then a short musical interlude.

Then it's on to the main feature which is the first part of a longer H.P. Lovecraft story "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward". Due to the length of the story this will be split over a number of episodes.

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Saturday 27 June 2009

59 - After a Year in the Asylum

In todays episode we start with part 24 of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness".

The musical interlude is a 1927 track from Walter Anderson His Golden Pheasant Hoodlums.

The main feature is an original story written and recorded by Justin Lowmaster. the story a great piece and well worth a listen.

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Sound effects and song during stage play scene: Free sound project (
Music: Kevin MacLeod (

Voices (in order of appearance)
JT of
Taylor Kent of
Caleb Bullen of


Sunday 14 June 2009

58 - Captain Dice and the Isle of Twisted Stone

In todays episode we start with part 23 of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness".

The musical interlude is provided by a 1923 track, Nobody Else Can Love Me Like My Old Tomato Can by Billy Murray.

The main story is "Captain Dice and the Isle of Twisted Stone" by Michael Panush, who has previously written Clark Reeper Tales: The Truthful Telling of the Adventures of the West’s Wildest Bounty Hunter.

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Saturday 30 May 2009

57 - Herbert West Reanimator, part 2

Hello again to all Lovecraft fans out there in the intertubes!

Today I present the second part of H.P. Lovercraft's story Herbert West reanimator.

But before you get to that Lovecraftian goodness you'll have to wade through the next part of Through the Brazillian Wilderness ( a book by Teddy Roosevelt ), and a 1926 track called "I ate the Balloni"!

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Monday 18 May 2009

56 - Herbert West : Reanimator, part 1

A show thrown together AND put up late, please be forgiving :)

Today I simply present part one of "Herbert West Reanimator" by H.P. Lovecraft.

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Sunday 3 May 2009

Submission Guidelines

I've been asked a number of times what the submission guidelines for the show are. Well the last email that came in today has finally prompted me to make up some "official" guidelines, and here they are.

1. Stories are "preferred" if they are creepy/spooky and Lovecraft like. Also they are preferred if they include elements of the established "Cthulhu Mythos". Again , preferred if set in or around the 1920's.

2. The point aboove is just preferences, not exclusives. For example, the show has run Sci Fi, historic, fantasy and straight forward ghost stories.

3. No swearing in the stories.

4. Please send your story to the email address mentioned in the show.

5. Send your story as an attachment to the email, either Txt, Pdf, Doc or Odt.

6. Please have your attached document include your name, your email address, the stories title, any blurb or links about yourself that you want pimped on the show if your story is accepted. Oh, and the story.

6. I dont want any rights to your story, you keep 'em. I will obviously be podcasting the story, and the podcast will be permanently hosted at ""

7. There is no payment for stories, it's done for the love of it, not for money.

8. Dont expect responses to your submission email. I take a long long time to get around to the emails. If you submit it, presume I'm going to use it, unless you hear otherwise.

9. Massive thanks from me to everyone who submits a story :)

10. Can't think of a 10.

Saturday 2 May 2009

55 - The Street of the Four Winds

In this episode we breeze past another reading from Through the Brazillian Wilderness and blow over a 1929 musical number and draft into the main story which is a short taken from "The King in Yellow" that's called "The Street of the Four Winds", read for us by Peter Yearsley.

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Sunday 26 April 2009

54 - The Festival

In this weeks episode we follow the usual three part format. We have a reading of the next part of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness", then a musical number from Abe Lymans Orchestra and then the main story.

The reading is of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Festival". It's been read for us by Kirk Warrington.

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Saturday 18 April 2009

53 - Bellwethers Asteroid, part 2

A simple show for you this week, it only has part 2 of "Bellwethers Asteroid"



Sunday 12 April 2009

52 - Bellwethers Asteroid, part 1

In this weeks episode we have a strory from a previous contributor, William A. La Fleur. William's last story for us, told a tale set in the frigid northern wastes, this time we move to warmer climes to investigate an apparent suicide. This story practically has Lovecraft written all over it!

But before getting to the story segment you'll first be assailed by the next part of "Through the Brazilian Wilderness" and a 1925 musical track.

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Saturday 4 April 2009

51 - Rattle of Bones

So in this weeks episode we move from one classic author ( H.P. Lovecraft ) to another, in this case Robert E. Howard. This story is called "Rattle of Bones" and features one of Howards best known protagonists Solomon Kane.

We also continue "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" and hear from Marrion Harris with one of her 1923 tracks.

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Saturday 28 March 2009

50 - Pickman's Model

After a missing last week I come back strong! With a classic Lovecraftian story by Lovecraft himself. Of course you could say all of his stories are classics, but even among the barrel full of classics, this one stands out as a classic's classic.

I'm also including of course the next part of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness". I'm not one to avoid self promotion, so here's a plug for an edition of the book that I annotated with notes for those interested in using the book as a source for a horror role playing adventure.

... and a 1920 Ted Lewis song.

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Saturday 21 March 2009

No show this week

Alas, alas I have a cold in my nose which makes me sound like a donkey! However if your desperate for something to put in your ear, a narration I did for the Escape Pod podcast has just been posted.

Saturday 14 March 2009

49 - In Zaccarath

In todays episode we actually have 4 segments! We start off with part 16 of Teddys book, "Through the Barazillian Wilderness".

The musical interlude is a 1923 track called "Snake hips" by the Original Memphis 5.

The main story today is called "In Zaccarath" which is a tale by Lord Dunsany. Lord Dunsany, is as you may remember from previous shows one of H.P. Lovecraft s inspirations.

The outgoing music is by Ann Hell from their album "Threshold" and is a track called Bone Hill.

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Sunday 8 March 2009

48 - The Well

In todays episode we are back on format! We start with the next section of Teddy Roosevelts book "through the Brazillian Wilderness".

Then we have a musical interlude. A 1923 track called "shake your feet" by Fletch Henderson.

The main feature is a story worthy of Mr Lovecraft himself, in this case written for us by Robert Evans, the story is called "The Well".

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Sunday 1 March 2009

47 - Dagon

In a break with the usual format ( because time is so short ) in todays episode we have only two items.

A reading of the story "Dagon" by the master himself H.P. Lovecraft.

This is one of Lovecraft's better known stories, and has been used for inspiration in a number of movies, including a film by the same name.

The plot of Dagon is extremely simple and yet has a powerful Cthulhu Mythos smell about it. Perhaps it's simplicity is the appeal of it, perhaps the stark mind wrenching horror portrayed here appeals to our inner selves. Perhaps it's just a good short story.

The second part of this episode is the full playing of a track by Victor Valdez. It's a wickedly moving bit of music that in my opinion is dripping with Cthulhu feel. Let me know what you think. The track comes from an album that Victor has released on the Internet Archive as a free download. Please check out Victor's site.

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Saturday 21 February 2009

46 - The Mark of the Beast

In this weeks episode we are following the usual format. Firstly the show opens with part 14 of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness".

The music is a 1929 track called Marianne by the Adrian Schubert orchestra.

For the main feature we have a story by Rudyard Kipling called "The Mark of the Beast" which is read for us by William Coon.

I plan to run another H.P. Lovecraft story next week, hmmm... which one?

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Saturday 14 February 2009

No show this week 14th Feb

Alas I will not have time to put the show together today. I'm putting my time into recording a story for the Starship Sofa podcast. We will be back on schedule next week.

Saturday 7 February 2009

45 The Rats in the Walls, Part 2

Today we continue the reading of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, part 13 in fact.

Then we have a musical number from Marrion Harris, a rousing martial 1918 piece.

The main feature in todays shows is the second part of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft called "The Rats in the walls". Howard wrote the story in 1923 but it wasn't published until 1924, when it appeared in Weird Tales. Apparently the first gem of inspiration was provided by a night time crack that appeared in the wallpaper. - From such little things, such great things can appear!

The new opening music is provided by Víctor Valdez, from the Symbol project. It's part of a great collection that you can download for free. Victor also has a web site that I suggest you check out.


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Saturday 31 January 2009

44 - The Rats in the walls, Part 1

Today we continue the reading of Through the Brazillian Wilderness, part 12 in fact.

Then we have a musical number from Whispering Jack Smith,

The main feature in todays shows is the first part of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft called "The Rats in the walls". Howard wrote the story in 1923 but it wasn't published until 1924, when it appeared in Weird Tales. Apparently the first gem of inspiration was provided by a night time crack that appeared in the wallpaper. - From such little things, such great things can appear!

The new opening music is provided by Víctor Valdez, from the Symbol project. It's part of a great collection that you can download for free. Victor also has a web site that I suggest you check out.

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Saturday 24 January 2009

43 - The Mask

In todays episode of the Cthulhu show I start off by continuing to read from "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt.

Then I play a piece of popular music from 1928.

And to round off this 1 hour show we have the main feature. Peter Yearsley reads a short story from Roberts W Chambers book "The King in Yellow", this story is called "The Mask".

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Saturday 17 January 2009

42 - The Beast with 5 Fingers

In todays episode we go through the usual three main segments Firstly I continue reading from Teddy Roosevelts "Through the Brazillian Wilderness.

Then I play a track that is very "Lovecraft". It's a modern piece called "Idiot Lust" that appears on the "Cthulu Dildonomicon"(sic) album. The music is creepy and cool.

The main feature today is a classic stry called "The Beast with Five fingers" by William F. Harvey. It is excellently read for us by the very professional Mark Nelson.

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Saturday 10 January 2009

41 - The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath , Part 14

Todays episode puts us back on track with the usual style and format.

I start the show with part 9 of "Through the Brazillion Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt. Today we hear a story about man-eating big cats.

Then is a musical number from 1928 by Abe Lymans California Ambassador Hotel Orchestra called "A Jazz Holiday".

The show ends with the dramatic final part of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dream Quest of Unkown Kadath" read for us by Maureen O'Brien.

Remember folks, I'm always looking for peoples contributions. Stories, poems, articles. There's no money in it, it's done for fun, and would generally be released under an Attrib' Non-Com No-Deriv license. The show will claim no rights on your work.

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Saturday 3 January 2009

40 - Hoard of Gebbelins

In this episode of the Cthulhu podcast your host takes a bit of a break due to illness ( a cold that just wont go ). So rather than any reading by myself I've broken the format and included little bits from different places.

The first segment is a piece of ambient style music from a group called "the Unnameable", the album is called "Graves are not hard to digg and acids loth to burn"(sic), the track is called "Teeth & Claws Sharpened on Centuries of Corpses".

This is followed by a short story written by Lord Dunsany called "Horde of Gebbelins" and is read by Mark Smith.

Then is an H.P. Lovecraft poem called "The Book, Pursuit, the Key" which is read and put to a musical accompanyment by Colin Timothy Gagnon.

The show winds up with another shorter track from the Unnameable, this one nicely called "If I am mad, it is a mercy".

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