Sunday 6 September 2009

64 - The Case of Charles dexter Ward, part 4

In this week episode we continue the story of Charles Dexter Ward.

Of course we also have a piece of music from the 1920's and part 29 of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness" by Teddy Roosevelt.

I'd like to remind you that I have a book on the LuLu web publishing site that contains an annotated version of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness". The notes that appear throughout and the additional appendix are designed for those indulging in Horror Role Playing games. In these notes, I make suggestions and give hints on how to turn the River of Doubt exploration into a campaign for your Role Playing group. You can download it as a PDF or as a Print on Demand book.

The podcast I mentioned in the show is 19 Nocturne Boulevard

Download the show


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