Saturday, 28 March 2009

50 - Pickman's Model

After a missing last week I come back strong! With a classic Lovecraftian story by Lovecraft himself. Of course you could say all of his stories are classics, but even among the barrel full of classics, this one stands out as a classic's classic.

I'm also including of course the next part of "Through the Brazillian Wilderness". I'm not one to avoid self promotion, so here's a plug for an edition of the book that I annotated with notes for those interested in using the book as a source for a horror role playing adventure.

... and a 1920 Ted Lewis song.

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Saturday, 21 March 2009

No show this week

Alas, alas I have a cold in my nose which makes me sound like a donkey! However if your desperate for something to put in your ear, a narration I did for the Escape Pod podcast has just been posted.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

49 - In Zaccarath

In todays episode we actually have 4 segments! We start off with part 16 of Teddys book, "Through the Barazillian Wilderness".

The musical interlude is a 1923 track called "Snake hips" by the Original Memphis 5.

The main story today is called "In Zaccarath" which is a tale by Lord Dunsany. Lord Dunsany, is as you may remember from previous shows one of H.P. Lovecraft s inspirations.

The outgoing music is by Ann Hell from their album "Threshold" and is a track called Bone Hill.

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Sunday, 8 March 2009

48 - The Well

In todays episode we are back on format! We start with the next section of Teddy Roosevelts book "through the Brazillian Wilderness".

Then we have a musical interlude. A 1923 track called "shake your feet" by Fletch Henderson.

The main feature is a story worthy of Mr Lovecraft himself, in this case written for us by Robert Evans, the story is called "The Well".

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Sunday, 1 March 2009

47 - Dagon

In a break with the usual format ( because time is so short ) in todays episode we have only two items.

A reading of the story "Dagon" by the master himself H.P. Lovecraft.

This is one of Lovecraft's better known stories, and has been used for inspiration in a number of movies, including a film by the same name.

The plot of Dagon is extremely simple and yet has a powerful Cthulhu Mythos smell about it. Perhaps it's simplicity is the appeal of it, perhaps the stark mind wrenching horror portrayed here appeals to our inner selves. Perhaps it's just a good short story.

The second part of this episode is the full playing of a track by Victor Valdez. It's a wickedly moving bit of music that in my opinion is dripping with Cthulhu feel. Let me know what you think. The track comes from an album that Victor has released on the Internet Archive as a free download. Please check out Victor's site.

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